Does this ring a bell?
By Marilyn Stone/President – Published May 11, 2022
As we approach graduations of area high schools and colleges, we may think back to the days of our own student experiences. What do you remember about the traditions of your high school days? Certainly the involvement of groups in sports, arts, and academic challenges are traditions that, while changing with the times, have continued to involve students. Other customs that were popular in former days included the exchange of name cards and wallet sized photos, purchasing a yearbook and writing thoughts in each others yearbooks, and the purchase and wearing of class rings. Springfield Historical Museum has a collection of such items from the days of Springfield High School 1929 to 1982. The museum also houses the collection of composite senior class photos that was originally hung on the walls of the High School Study Hall.
In the photo shown is the collection of class rings from most of those classes. Missing are rings from the years: 1930, 32, 39, 40, 41, 52, 53, 54, 57, 60, 65, 69, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, and 82. If you have a ring from one of these years that you are willing to donate to the museum get in touch with us, or better yet, bring it to the museum on a Sunday afternoon between 2:00 and 4:00 and spend some time enjoying the various historical exhibits for Springfield area history.
Mr. Harvey VanBeek, who was the superintendent of Springfield Public School in the 1950s wrote a history of Springfield High School as the thesis for his Masters in Education Thesis at USD in 1949. His study was undertaken “so that a concise digest of the history and development of the Springfield Independent School might be available. This history covers a period of twenty-four years (1924-25 to 1947-48).” from VanBeek Thesis page 1.
I will tell you more about the history of the school in next week’s column, meanwhile I’d like to remind you to keep saving your aluminum cans and dropping them off in the “ticket booth” shed in front of the Museums. They help pay our electricity bill! And don’t forget the open house/bake sale on Saturday, June 4.
If you have guests visiting this summer, do call any board member to open the museum and show you around. Phone numbers are listed on the museum door at 709 8th Street in Springfield. See you at the Museum!