Annual Open House & Bake Sale Set June 4, 2022
By Marilyn Stone/President
The Springfield Historical Society held its semi-annual meeting on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the College Museum meeting area. After review of the reports from secretary, treasurer, and membership chair, there was discussion of the activities of the past year and plans for current year. The date of the annual cleaning day to get ready for the season’s visitors was confirmed as Wed. Morning Apr. 27. The annual Open House and Bake Sale will be held Saturday, June 4 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The museum regular open hours were set for Sundays from now through Labor Day, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM. The museum will also be open in the afternoons on the holidays of Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day. Members are encouraged to sign up to help welcome visitors.
Because no elections were held during the last two years of Covid pandemic, the board needed to reorganize the terms of the members. The following officers were thus elected: President, Marilyn Stone; Vice President, Alice Petrik; Secretary, Sandra Stockholm; Treasurer, Connie Sorensen; Members at Large, Cheryl Ludens and Matt Huisman.
Helen Baczynski who gave a quilt to the Museum Board for fund raising last year, has made another quilt that she is donating. Helen is pictured here with the quilt. It features a stylized boy with his fishing pole. The board agreed to hold a raffle for the quilt, as we have more than a month to sell the chance tickets before holding the drawing at our annual Open House and Bake Sale. Tickets can be purchased for $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00 from any Historical Society Board member, or at the First Savings Bank in Springfield where the quilt is being displayed.
There are currently 67 living members of the Springfield Historical Society, but only 16 of them live in or near Springfield. This gives us a wide opportunity to increase our membership of those interested in the history of our community in general and the museum in particular. Annual membership is only $10.00. Of course if you plan to live more than 10 years, you can save money by purchasing a Life Membership for $100. Any of the above listed board members would be glad to take your dues, or you can mail them to the Historical Society at P.O. Box 531, Springfield, SD 57062
See you at the Museum!